The Scrolls of Akhenaten: April 19th, 2024

As I’m ready to head off into lands unknown I figured I’d leave you with one more entry into The Scrolls of Akhenaten to tide you over until next week. Read on, dear viewers, for a heavy helping of hellbound hymns.


Gallhammer – Gloomy Lights
August 2004
Blackened Crust Punk
Goatsucker Records
Tokyo, Japan
Standout Song: “Crucifixion”

If you don’t know Japanese blackened crust outfit Gallhammer then you should. This band is one of the few who I’ve ever heard properly emulate the sound of Darkthrone’s crust punk era, and while it may not be a perfect emulation, it’s close enough in spirit that it more than earns its status as a legendary record in metalpunk circles. it’s got it’s own flair for the disgusting and the ethereal and melds both of them together wonderfully. The song “Crucifixion” should be a crust anthem, in my opinion. There’s a significant amount of disgusting atmosphere that this album is drenched in from front to back, as if the whole thing was dipped into a sickly mixture of vomit and other bodily fluids. It’s gross and offensive to the senses, and I love every second of it. It’s a shame that the band is currently on hiatus as I would love to hear with this Japanese trio would have to offer in the modern day, but for now this album is always great to come back to.


Necrot – Lifeless Birth
April 12th, 2024
Death Metal
Tankcrimes Records
Oakland, California, USA
Standout Song: “Drill the Skull”

Death metal warriors Necrot have more than made a name for themselves in recent years following their past few records which have been warmly and well received in extreme metal circles. This new album of theirs, Lifeless Birth, is no different. While Necrot aren’t exactly breaking new ground with this album they are doing what they do very well, and as my friend Tristan put it, I can feel my IQ being lowered with every caveman riff they heave upon my eardrums. The song “Drill the Skull”, which was released as a single ahead of the album’s full release, set the stage for what’s to come, but is honestly one of the best tracks on the record. It’s low down, dirty, groovy, and filthy as fuck, with this awesome start-stop riff during the chorus. Inspired as much by Cannibal Corpse as they are by their contemporaries, it’s not shocking Necrot has achieved the level of popularity they have. They deserve it.


Faetooth – Remnants of the Vessel
October 28th, 2022
Atmospheric Doom Metal
Independently Released
Los Angeles, California, USA
Standout Song: “Saturn Devouring His Son”

Faetooth are a particular breed of doom that I truly wish was more prevalent. This atmospheric brand is softer and quieter than most doom metal but still packs a hell of a punch. It’s elegant and pretty but dark and brooding and filled with nothing but catchy hook after catchy hook. If you listen to only one doom record today, make it this one. Every one of the songs on this album is not only dark and moody, but also immensely catchy. The ending track “Saturn Devouring His Son” is a monolithic piece of doom where their singer repeats “First the head, and then the bod’, and half his blood, spills down the jaw” is impossible to get out of my head. This is only the first full length offering from this California crew but considering the quality of it then I’m excited to hear whatever they come out with next.


Cell Press – Cages
March 8th, 2024
Noise Rock / Sludge Metal / Mathcore
Independently Released
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Standout Song: “Original Uranium Baby”

Cell Press have been around the Montreal underground music scene for a while now but this is their first full length offering and holy shit does it absolutely rule. This album really defies description as while the foundation of it is noise rock it incorporates elements of sludge metal, grindcore, mathcore, and prog into the entire mixture. There are some very strange time signature changes and tempo switch-ups on this thing that, while I’m used to now as I’ve listened to umpteen thousand times, definitely threw me for a loop when it first came out. It’s chaotic and frenetic, with nothing but killer riff after killer riff along with mesmerizing drumming throughout the entire runtime. Noise rock is a bit of a hit or miss genre for me but this one is a banger. Don’t let it pass you up.


Ilusión – Ilusión II
July 5th, 2023
Post Punk
Independently Released
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Standout Song: “Saturn Bliss”

Another group from Montreal who have been around the city for some time these past few years. I’ve seen this group play live a bunch of times and every time it’s always an enrapturing experience. Their brand of atmospheric, depressive post-punk is addictive, catchy as hell, and fun as fuck to listen to. The same can be said for this release, the band’s second EP, which dropped last year. If you want to listen to Gothic punk that’s both insanely danceable as well as something that’ll put you in a dour mood then this EP is for you. The Montreal punk scene is full of tons of great post punk and Ilusión are just one of many who are injecting new life into a genre that had its heydey decades ago.


Vulture – Sentinels
April 12th, 2024
Thrash Metal
Metal Blade Records
Dortmund, Germany
Standout Song: “Realm of the Impaler”

Another new release that came out just last week, this album totally shocked me by its quality. I was already aware of Vulture but when I listened to this new album it totally took me aback due to just how great it is. If you like old school thrash metal from the 80’s then this album is absolutely without a doubt for you. Everything from the quality of the songwriting to the production on this album to the vocal affectation just screams 80’s, and as such this album is right up my alley. Songs like “Transylvania”, “Realm of the Impaler”, and “Where There’s a Whip (There’s a Way)” just absolutely rip. So far 2024 has already been a fantastic year for new releases but Vulture has slowly woven its way to the top echelon of my list.


Attic – Sanctimonious
August 18th, 2017
Speed Metal / Epic Heavy Metal / Black Metal
Ván Records
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Standout Song: “Sanctimonious”

I know that this may be considered blasphemous in some circles but I don’t care. Attic does what King Diamond and Mercyful Fate did but better. It’s the same style of vocals, mimicking the King to a tee. Yet their riffs are just so much more interesting and engaging than the material found on those early Fate records. It is often said that those who pioneer something are not those who perfect it, and I think this album is the prime example of that. The musicianship present on this record is just more compelling and creative, and I love every second of it. Every moment of this album grabs you by the balls and doesn’t let go, telling a horrific Gothic tale of nuns, convents, illicit love affairs, and demonic births. It’s a fantastic record, and while Attic did just release their first new album in many years a few weeks back, this is the one that I always find myself coming back to.


Rodrigo Y Gabriela – 11:11
September 6th, 2009
Flamenco Nuevo / Flamenco / Acoustic Rock
Mexico City, Mexico
Standout Song: “Hanuman”

I first discovered Rodrigo Y Gabriela through the Rock Band series of video games years ago as a teenager. Their brand of acoustic-only rock music derives itself from flamenco music as much as heavy metal, as the band’s two members have influences that are far reaching across the music spectrum. Regardless of influences, their playing abilities and musical acumen cannot be disputed. Rodrigo Sanchez and Gabriela Quintero are absolute shredders on their respective acoustic guitars and showcase the total speed and precision that they are capable of from front to back on this thing. On top of that the music isn’t just technical and masterfully performed, it’s also tasteful and catchy as hell. Every song on this record stands apart on its own and offers hooks for days, sinking their claws into you and forcing you to dance with reprieveless gusto. It may be metal in spirit, but defies genre expectation.

~ Akhenaten

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