EP Review: Wiremouth – EP2

Wiremouth – EP2
June 16th, 2023
Hardcore / D-Beat
Barely There Media
St. John’s, Newfoundland

While the St. John’s hardcore scene has certainly exploded in the post-pandemic era, there are still some bands remaining who linger from before that time, Wiremouth being among them. Established at least around 2019, the band had released one EP back then that I enjoyed quite a bit. It was fast, catchy, aggressive hardcore punk that did exactly what I wanted it to: provide me with something that I could imagine myself throwing down in the pit to.

In 2023 Wiremouth returned with EP2, four years down the road. While this EP only features two tracks, “Six Feet Beneath” and “Discharged”, it still packs a hell of a punch. The compositions here, written by Liam, Randy, and Jacob, with Jack on vocal duties, are shockingly catchy, and definitely rank amongst some of the most memorable punk tunes I’ve heard come out of Fogtown in all of last year.

I love the guitar work here. The way that “Discharged” shifts from the opening riff in the first half of the song into the heavy as hell breakdown at the end just absolutely rules. When every bar of chugs ends in either a pinch harmonic or a bendy? That stuff makes me want to break shit. This section of the song goes on for quite some time but I can imagine it’s a great track to end a set with.

This EP also features a great degree of sampling, something that this genre has become known for pretty much since its inception. It easily adds to the music here, forming an atmosphere of urban decay and police brutalization, something that Wiremouth have no doubt touched upon lyrically since their inception.

It’s an unfortunately brief but quality release from Wiremouth that I’ve found myself coming back to several times since its release. I wish that the band would put something meatier together for me to really sink my teeth into, but as it stands I’m happy to get anything new from them at all. This EP will take up less than 5 minutes of your time, so if you’re a d-beat fan then you’ll want to check this thing out.

Final Verdict: 4/5

Favourite Tracks:
“Six Feet Beneath”

For Fans of:

~ Akhenaten

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