Local Musicians Speak Out Against Racism

Black Lives Matter Banner

26 days after the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers and the world is still reeling in anger, with protests against police brutality and racism continuing to erupt across the globe. As such many people with platforms (celebrities, politicians, etc.) have used said platforms to speak out against racism in all its forms. Even when it comes to the small scale scene here in Newfoundland and Labrador there are musicians making their political position known loud and clear on social media.

Jaded Truth:

I’m going to say it again because everyone needs to hear it. BLACK LIVES MATTER. Obviously in the year 2020 this shouldn’t be a lesson for people to learn anymore but it is. Its hard for me to speak on because i know i have no idea the struggle they go through on a daily basis.
What i can say is we stand beside you.
The world must & WILL be changed, voices will be heard. This needs to stop, reform is needed, change is needed. Not eventually, not slowly. NOW!

– Kyle

The Skeats:

We’ve been fairly silent about this issue so far but I just want to take this time to personally say it’s not time to be silent. It’s time to speak up, and most of all it’s time for reform. It saddens me that it had to get to this point. Racism and abuse of power among authorities has been an ongoing issue in our culture for centuries now, maybe longer. TOO long. It makes no sense to me. I know I’ve seen a lot of it even in this tiny province of ours. I watched the whole video of what those officers did and it weighs heavy on my heart. In my opinion it was 2nd if not first degree murder and they should all be convicted as such. I’m not convinced any charges would’ve been laid if not for the rebellion across the country. I’m not saying the looting and vandalism is RIGHT, I’m saying desperate times call for desperate measures, and these are desperate times so think about that before you speak. I know I can speak on behalf of Daniel and Josh when I say that if nothing else, the three of us stand for equality. We can do better as a country and as a society. If you agree with what those police officers did and you see no need for reform, you are no friend of ours. It’s time for change. We see you and we hear you and most of all, we stand with you. Black lives matter (fucking obviously)




Black metal has always had a reputation surrounding it for allowing fascist elements to brew within its dark underbelly. Obviously not all black metal artists are fascists, the majority of them aren’t, but those that are have consistently given this genre a bad name.

I play black metal, or at least a bastardized, thrashy old school version of it, and I have been staunchly anti-fascist ever since I was old enough to truly comprehend what that meant.

What is happening in the States right now is shameful. Police forces have proven time and time again that they will kill marginalized civilians and perpetuate this cycle of racism that has been going on in North America since the 1400s.

If you’re a cop bootlicker, fuck off. Never listen to my music again and don’t talk to me again. Don’t come to my shows. Eat shit.

Black lives matter. Indigenous lives matter.

Meanwhile Emblem took part in an effort by numerous metal bands to donate their Bandcamp proceeds towards the National Bail Fund Network.

Following the murder of George Floyd by a police officer on May 25, protests have erupted across the United States decrying police brutality and institutionalized racism. As an act of solidarity, 41 heavy metal and punk bands will be donating proceeds from sales made on Bandcamp on Friday, June 5 to the National Bail Fund Network.

The National Bail Fund Network organizes to end all forms of detention, criminalization, and surveillance. The charity uses community bail funds as organizing tools to free people and push to abolish detention. 


~ Akhenaten


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