Madison Strip Call It Quits

St. John’s hard rock quartet Madison Strip, consisting of Jessaca Maidment on vocals, Ryan Rodgers on guitars, Travis M. Shaw on bass, and Brad Clarke on drums, have decided to part ways. Their recent performance at the Bowring Park Amphitheater for the Will Hapgood Memorial Show on July 9th, 2023, was their last. The decision to split was made public on the same date through a post on the band’s Facebook page.

If you’ve never seen Madison Strip before, tonight is your last opportunity! We are down a Player; no Travis on bass. But just the 3 of us Ryan, Brad and Jess got this. The 3 of us just like how all this started. We spent many a late night at the amphitheatre fantasizing about playing a show there. And we’ve finally got one, be it our last. We’ll miss you all so much, and thank you all for the stellar times and support. Keep Rockin’ everyone! 🤘🏻

– Jessaca Maidement

~ Akhenaten

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